Our audit services are geared towards the needs of the clients and needs of:
Owners – issuing independent opinions and statements prepared in Croatian and/or English in accordance with Croatian and/or International Financial Reporting Standards that increase the credibility of financial information issued by the company.
Management – monitoring and advising in financial reporting, tax and business problems by professionals who understand your business and industry. Likewise, we share with you our experiences on the best practices in your industry.

The methodology we use in audits is based on understanding the risks that affect our clients’ business and is directed towards determining adequate responses to the identified risks. This methodology complies with the International Audit Standards and is continuously updated with applicable changes in relevant standards.
In our day-to-day activities, we use an internally developed specialized audit management tool (Tickmark Audit Software) which enables online, multiuser collaboration on audit projects regardless of team members’ locations.
To business entities and non-profit organizations which require an audit, we offer services that include the following:
- Audit of financial statements in accordance with the applicable statutory or law regulations
- Audits of financial statements on request
- Audits in accordance with special regulations
- Reviews of financial statements
- Agreed-upon procedures related to verification of costs generated in projects financed by EU funds or other sources
- Other agreed-upon audit services